
Discover our ZaunPV products for efficient use of solar energy. Easily install high-quality PV modules, inverters, and mounting systems on your fence. Optimize limited space and reduce your ecological footprint. With ZaunPV, turn your fence into a sustainable power source.

Known from among other things:


FencePV the clever-practical solar power plant for your mesh fence

Also known from the ZDF morning magazine...

It is already quite astonishing that a solar system can be attached so easily, inconspicuously, and flexibly to a fence. The fact that with the exploding energy costs, you can also produce part of your own electricity and thus become somewhat independent and save real money month after month is truly fantastic.

High yields at low sun angles

Sounds strange, but it's true! Thanks to the vertical installation of the PV modules on the wire mesh fence, especially in the morning and evening hours, when a lot of energy is needed significantly more electricity is generated than, for example, a roof solar system could produce.

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FencePV assembly packages

For easy mounting of 1 or 2 solar panels on double wire mesh fences. Flat and angled version of 10°.

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  • FencePV assembly package M2B for 1 PV module Jetzt als Händler registrieren.
  • FencePV assembly package M2B for 2 PV modules Jetzt als Händler registrieren.
  • Fence PV Mounting Package Angled M3B for 1 PV Module Jetzt als Händler registrieren.
  • Fence PV Mounting Package Angled M3B for 2 PV Modules Jetzt als Händler registrieren.


Easy placement on the wire mesh fence

Whether in portrait or landscape format, everything is possible. Our mounts are designed to always fit perfectly. See for yourself. Consultation by our competent WATTSTONE dealers.

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ZaunPV Montagepaket M2B für 2 PV-Module, WATTSTONE b2b
FencePV assembly sets

For easy mounting of 1 or 2 solar panels on double wire mesh fences. Flat and angled version of 10°.

Flachdach Ost-West Aufbau Komplettpaket 10° aus Feinbeton 860Wp mit 2-PV Modulen Bifazial, WATTSTONE b2b
For bifacial PV modules

Photovoltaic modules that capture sunlight on both the front and back and convert it into electricity.

Fence PV Power Plant

Our fence power plant installation kits for direct mounting on the mesh fence for maximum energy yield. The installation can be done vertically or horizontally.

Assembly instructions - step by step

Video Tutorial: Fence PV Assembly Kit Angled for Double Wire Fences

Unsere leicht verständliche Videoanleitung führt Sie Schritt für Schritt durch den gesamten Installationsprozess. Wir zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie korrekt messen, die Paneele sicher befestigen und alles optimal für die Energiegewinnung positionieren. Sie müssen kein Solar-Experte sein – unser Kit ist für die DIY-Installation konzipiert! Wichtige Tipps aus dem Video: ✅ Richtige Messungen gewährleisten, dass Ihre Solarpanel-Platzierung perfekt zu Ihrem Zaun passt. ✅ Verwenden Sie die mitgelieferten Sicherheitsschrauben, um jegliche Manipulation zu verhindern.


WATTSTONE dealers in Germany and Austria

Qualified consulting, sales, and service for PV mounting systems, PV brackets, and PV complete systems.

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Product in Focus

ZaunPV plug-and-play bifacial solar power plant in a complete set.

Fence PV Mounting Package Angled M3B for 1 PV Module

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For horizontal installation on double wire mesh fences. Unpack, assemble, and hang the module! The FencePV installation package includes tools, stainless steel small parts such as screws and nuts, as well as steel brackets. The vertical installation of the FencePV system achieves high yields even at low sun angles.