Sorted by postal code
ZIP areas 0-1
Saxosolar, Eric Salomo and David Ludewig GbR, Am Rundling 19, 01796 Pirna - www.saxosolar.com
Carsten Poost, Consulting and Sales of Photovoltaic SystemsNiederer Viebig 143, 02894 Sohland am Rotstein - www.stromvondersonne.de
L&W Team, Dörpfeldstr. 62, 12489 Berlin - www.lundw-team.de
Bruchsteinplatten.de by Schwedt Logistics, Gewerbepark-Meyenburg 1, 16303 Schwedt - www.bruchsteinplatten.de
ISolarPro GmbH Warehouse Berlin-Werneuchen, Freienwalder Str 12c, 16356 Werneuchen - www.isolarpro.com
Nordsonneplus GmbH, Neue Wallstraße 4, 18273 Güstrow - www.nordsonneplus.com
Availability Wattstones
ZIP code area 2
PV Energy Solutions Ltd., Offakamp 9F, 22529 Hamburg - www.pvenergysolutions.de
D roofing company Markus Blazewicz, Pomeranian Street 33, 23558 Lübeck - www.dachdeckerei-mb.de
team construction center Kiel-Kronshagen, Eckernförder Straße 209, 24119 Kiel-Kronshagen - www.team.de
FeuerAnker® LLC, Westerfeld 20, 24997 Wanderup - shop.solarprofi-24.de
A. Karstensen GmbH & Co. KG, Bahnhofstrasse 38, 25980 Sylt / Keitum - www.profikarstensen.de
ZIP code area 2
ROVA Solar, Manuela Zinnhardt, Heidhöhn 15, 17, 27476 Cuxhaven - www.rova-solar.de
GRAD Betonzäune GmbH, Bördestraße 1, 27607 Geestland - www.grad-betonzaeune.de
Theo Tec, Auf den Rathen 60,
27721 Ritterhude - www.theotec.de
Baushop Harald Klemz GmbH, Im Bulloh 2-4, 29331 Lachendorf - www.baufachmarkt-klemz.de
Halogenkauf LIGHTECH GmbH, Schlehenweg 4, 29690 Schwarmstedt - www.plentisolar.de
ZIP code area 3
net green - Kamo Rahim, RHM trading, Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 27, 30459 Hannover - www.netzgruen.de
SerCo Elektro LLC, Chemnitzer Str. 15, 33330 Gütersloh - www.serco-elektro.de
The building materials partner GT-Avenwedde, Berliner Str. 490, 33334 Gütersloh - www.bussemas-pollmeier.de
The Building Material Partners Gütersloh, Hans-Böckler-Str. 25 – 27, 33334 Gütersloh - www.bussemas-pollmeier.de
The Building Material Partner VerlOststraße 188, 33415 Verl - www.bussemas-pollmeier.de
ZIP code area 3
The Building Material Partners Harsewinkel, Franz-Class-Str. 11, 33428 Harsewinkel - www.bussemas-pollmeier.de
The Building Material Partners Bielefeld, Lübberbrede 10, 33719 Bielefeld - www.bussemas-pollmeier.de
mg-solar GmbHEisenstraße 19, 34225 Baunatal - www.mg-solar-shop.de
MOOS Green Energy Solutions,
At Mooseburg 11, 35460 Staufenberg - www.green-energy-shop.com
O.K. Solar Projects UG, Steinweg 15, 36381 Schlüchtern - www.oksolar.de
Sweps GmbH, An der Meesche 1, 38300 Wolfenbüttel - www.sweps.de
ZIP code area 4
Bosswerk GmbH & Co. KG, Bürdestr. 23, 41334 Nettetal - www.greenakku.de
Peak Power AG, Harbernusstr. 18, 41472 Neuss - www.peak-power-ag.de
LIOTA Energy Ltd., Mülheimerstr. 122, 46045 Oberhausen - www.liota-energy.com
greenlution UG, Weseler Str. 9, 46519 Alpen - www.greenlution.de
Betonga LLCKleiner Kiwitt 22d, D-46562 Voerde - www.betonzaun.de
IsolarPro GmbH, Uerdingerstraße 47 d, 47441 Moers - www.isolarpro.de
IsolarPro GmbH Central Warehouse, Bullermannshof 11, Gate 20, 47441 Moers - www.isolarpro.de
ZIP code area 4
NOVASOLAR LLC, Kanesdyk 6, 47803 Krefeld - www.novagruppe.de
Norbert Grein, grein SMART energy, Donkweg 50, 47877 Willich - www.greinsolar.de
Sun-Powerd UG., Alexander Schuermann, Bahnhofstrasse 15, 48455 Bad Bentheim - www.sun-powerd.de
Kesenci GmbH, Königstr.72 48599 Gronau - www.kesenci.de
Prime Solar Solutions UG & Co. KG, Pottery Street 37, 49170 Hagen am Teutoburger Wald - www.primesolar.eu
Prime Solar Solutions UG limited liability & Co. KGEkenhoff 20, 49545 Tecklenburg - www.primepv.de
TH SOLARInh. Thomas Honig, Goldbaumweg 13, 49832 Freren - www.thsolar.com
ZIP code area 5
Volteon LLCFürstenbergplatz 10, 51379 Leverkusen - www.volteon.com
DBFE German Consulting Agency for the Energy Industry, Quellenstraße 136, 53424 Remagen - www.dbafe.de
SW-SmartSolar LLC, Petersbergstraße 5, 53424 Remagen - www.sw-smartsolar.de
DWH Solutions LLCBelgian Avenue 12, 53842 Troisdorf - www.solarscouts.de
ISolarPro GmbH Warehouse Ellweiler (near Gase-Center-Fuchs), Neubrücker Mühle 1, 55765 Ellweiler - www.isolarpro.com
energy for people Ltd., Robert-Bosch-Str. 10, 56410 Montabaur - www.e4p.net
ZIP code area 5
Thomas Schmidt LLC Electrotechnics, At the Train Station 2, 56637 Plaidt - www.e-technik-schmidt.de
AMG Heating Systems Germany GmbHLise-Meitner-Straße 10,
57610 Altenkirchen - www.amg-heating-systems.com
SunlightEnergy, Owner: Fisnike Dauti, Am Schützenhof 17, 58135 Hagen - www.sonnenlichtenergie.de
Honczek Solar Technology, Tobias Honczek, Hagener Str. 177, 58300 Wetter (Ruhr) - www.honczek-solartechnik.de
planbar PHD GmbH, Wigbold-von-Holte-Str. 3, 59494 Soest - www.planbarphd.de
ZIP code areas 6
O.K. Solar Projects UG,
Elisabethenstraße 36d, 63225 Langen - www.oksolar.de
ISolarPro GmbH Warehouse Hanau, Breslauer Straße 27, 63452 Hanau - www.isolarpro.de
SAFESUN Electrical Master Company GmbH, Brandenburger Straße 9
67065 Ludwigshafen - www.safesun.de
BALCONY SOLAR STORE, Fritz-Karl-Henkel-Straße 14 / Halle 11, 67454 Haßloch - www.balkonsolarstore.de
ZIP code area 7
KaroS GmbH for telecommunications, network, and energy-saving technology, Kreisental 16, 74925 Epfenbach - www.karo-s.com
Blackforest Service LLC & Co. KG, Ortenauerstr. 16, 77767 Appenweier - www.blackforest-photovoltaik.de
HKM Service Company Ltd., Schatzenberg 3, 77871 Renchen - www.hkm-service.de
Sonnenkaufhaus® LLC, Bismarckallee 18-20, 79098 Freiburg im Breisgau - www.sonnenkaufhaus.de
SolarVanStefan Kasper, Peterbergstraße 10, 79117 Freiburg - www.solarvan.net
ZIP code area 8
Sonnenpower LLC, Bussardstraße 5, D-82166 Gräfelfing - www.sonnenpower.solar
HUBER SOLAR LLC, Blankenöd 1, 84140 Gangkofen-Kollbach - www.huber-solar.de
TST Solar Power OHG Dipl. Ing. Thom Setzermann & Dipl. Ing. Paul Setzermann, Baron-Riederer-Str. 48, 84337 Schönau - www.photovoltaik-shop.com
TBS Team LLC, Otto-Hahn-Str. 26, 85521 Hohenbrunn-Riemerling - www.tbs-team.de
dp-solar-shop - Ernestino D'Andreta, Erdinger Street 11,
85609 Aschheim - www.dp-solar-shop.de
Solar4you DG-MultimediaInh. Diana Görmann, Kirchgraben 6, 86513 Ursberg - www.solar4you.de
ZIP code area 9
Planaenergie GmbH, Osterhofener Straße 8, 93055 Regensburg - www.planaenergie.de
H.S. Solartechnik UG, Holzleithen 2, 93354 Siegenburg - www.hs-solartechnik.de
Spindler GmbH, Industriestraße 8, 95346 Stadtsteinach - www.spindlergmbh.de
ISolarPro GmbH Warehouse Schweinfurt, Hohmannstraße 14, 97421 Schweinfurt - www.isolarpro.de
ARADI & EQUILUZ GmbH, Solarweg 8, A-2304 Mannsdorf an der Donau - www.aradi.at
KlaWo Energy GmbH, Hametstraße 16, A-4595 Waldneukirchen - www.klawo.at
Discover the benefits of WATTSTONE's high-quality products
As an innovative and leading provider of PV mounting solutions, we offer you top-quality products, excellent customer service, and attractive conditions to become a power generator for your needs in the future.
We place great importance on quality and only offer products that meet the highest standards. Our products are durable, reliable, and ensure satisfaction.
Behind every WATTSTONE dealer, a dedicated team is always at your side. Competent contacts who quickly and expertly address your concerns and questions.
Trust in the verified expertise of every WATTSTONE dealer for professional and personalized advice.
Get top quality in the garden, on the terrace, or on your roof at affordable and market-appropriate prices at any time.
Our strengths
Innovative in-house developments. Solution-oriented quality products and assembly solutions for PV modules.

PV Mounts
High-quality concrete PV mounting systems for the stable installation of your solar modules.
For flat roofs and welded wire fences
Solar flower pot Matilda - Perhaps the most beautiful solar system for your garden!
GardenPV 3-in-1 Complete System
Bifacial PV modules
This is how you utilize sunlight on both sides, leading to a higher efficiency.
Selected PV modulesWATTSTONE - Innovative · Slim · Fast
Why you should choose a certified WATTSTONE dealer now.
WATTSTONE develops the next generation of permit-free PV systems for the fence and garden area. While conventional PV is installed on south-facing roofs, we additionally focus on vertical and bifacial photovoltaic systems with east-west orientation. This way, we create an additional offering for photovoltaic enthusiasts as well as newcomers who either do not have a suitable roof, have increased electricity needs, or do not have a balcony.